Kerala Sannadhasena – Kerala to create a youth volunteer force to fight COVID-19

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Kerala Sannadhasena (Sannadham.kerala)

The plan is to mobilise a volunteer army of 2.36 lakh youths between the age of 22 and 40 to take up various necessary services that have cropped up in the wake of the outbreak. All the 941 panchayats in Kerala have been asked to identify 200 volunteers each, the 87 municipalities will pick 500 each, the six corporations will pick 750 each; together, they will swell to form an army of 2.36 lakh volunteers.

Kerala Sannadhasena - Kerala to create a youth volunteer force to fight COVID-19 - Govt Apply

Responsibilities of Sannadhasena volunteers

These volunteers will have to take up various social responsibilities. They will have to reach the food packets and provisions to families, both poor and those in quarantine. “There are many who could not cook food and others who are not in a position to go out to buy food. They need help, and these volunteers will provide them with all the necessary help,” the Chief Minister said. In short, they will have to carry food from ‘community kitchens’ that are fast coming up in various parts of the state to the homes of the needy.

Sannadha Sena

How to Register Sannadhasena 

The registration of volunteers will be done online. A web portal, Sannadham (I am ready), has been created for the purpose. Those willing should register their names in this portal

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